Punchy X Cinchy litter Pictures 6 Weeks Old

WTCH Boyd Ranch Rising Cowpuncher PATDcs OFTDcsdm HTAD IIIs,g, HRD IIIs,g X Boyd Ranch Just A Lil Cinchy

Litter Arrived April 29, 2023!

Thank You to our Boyd Ranch Aussie customers, this litter is placed!


“Shay” Blue Merle Male

New Owner: Kendra-Montana

Owner of TWO Boyd Ranch Aussies!


“Doyle” Black Tri Male

New Owner: Allen-Texas



“Dara” Blue Merle Female

New Owner: Eric-Kentucky


“Kira”  Black Tri Female

New Owner: Brittani-Minnesota 



“Nessa” Red Merle Female

New Owner: Misty-Virginia

Owner of 2 Boyd Ranch Aussies!


“Darby” Black Tri Female

New Owner: Megan-Kentucky



“Finley” Blue Merle Male

New Owners: The O’Neil’s-Texas




“Fergal” Red Tri Male

New Owner: Kathleen-New Mexico

Owner of the sire of this litter and 5 Boyd Ranch Aussies!