By Parentage Eyes clear -HSF4/HC, CEA, Cone Deg, PRA-prcd. CMR1 N/N or M/N, MDR1 N/N, DM N/N, OFA Good!
Cowgirl arrived here when she was an adorable 3 month old pup from Twin Oaks in California. She has matured into a beautiful Aussie and we’re very happy to have her here.
We started her on cattle when she was about 6 months old and she had a lot of natural cow sense. She has continued to progress into a handy Ranch cowdog. Cowgirl has a lot of eye for an Aussie and is a quite worker. She thinks before reacting and excels atmoving pairs.
Cowgirl has medium drive and is happy spending the day pushing cattle on the ranch or hanging with us fixing fence. She’s very easy to get along with.
I’ve always thought of Cowgirl as having an old soul. She sometimes looks at me as if she knows what I’m saying to her and as if she’s heard it all before…